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July 24, 2014 Worksession
All votes are unanimous unless otherwise noted

MOTION CM Coolen to excuse CM Eldridge.  Seconded CM Cook.  Approved 5-0.

MOTION CM Rodgers to pay up to $500 in licensing fees for My Cheverly App for the next 11 months.   Seconded CM Riazi.  Approved 4-0.  CM Cook abstained.

MOTION CM Riazi to approve a grant in the amount of $200 to the CPRC to purchase school supplies for our local school.  Seconded CM Coolen.  Approved 5-0.

MOTION CM Cook to close the meeting to discuss personnel matters.  Seconded CM Coolen. Approved 5-0.

MOTION CM Thorpe to open the meeting.   Seconded CM Coolen.  Approved 4-0.  CM Cook absent.